
Werner Herzog said, after completing filming Fitzcarraldo: “Every man should pull a boat over a mountain once in his life”. An apotheotic movement. A crucial exploration. A challenge that entails all challenges. The story of La Finca is marked by this immensurable, neverending feat: building your own paradise against all odds.


There was nothing in these lands. A merger of pioneer spirit and chance – or fate – drove us to build La Finca. We faced the adversity of nature’s remoteness and temper: two landslides made us start all over. We learned how to co-create with nature, interpret its timing and designs. To make great wines by its side.


Francisco Moreno’s story is an adventure in itself. From growing up in the Chaco jungle, educated at an aboriginal school, to enrolling at Wharton and leading major companies, from advising CEOs all over the world to spreading out his tenacity and perseverance in the Calchaquí Valley. La Finca is a compendium in the vast of the rigor and passion he seized in his adventurous life.

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